Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Fun

A few of our family Christmas activities.

Visiting the Lights at Temple Square.
I think the kids enjoyed theride on Trax more than
seeing the lights, but it was a fun family outing.

For some reason Branson has in his mind that Jesus is a giant and lives
with the super heroes. I have tried to explain that Jesus is not a giant,
but after seeing this statue, I don't know how I will convince him otherwise.

Making gingerbread houses at Grandma Brintons.
I think Cassidy ate more candy than actually made it on her house.

Family Christmas parties.
Chloie and Branson as an angel and a shepherd.
Cassidy got to be a sheep.
Sledding in the back yard.
Cassidy loves it!
Snow in the face doesn't stop her at all.

Christmas Day.
Dave didn't get home from work until after 9:00 so the kids had to hold off seeing what Santa brought until then. Good thing Chris was here to keep them busy. They had a great time
with all of their toys. The only thing Cassidy asked for was candy, so she was happy eating the chocolate out of everyone's stocking although she really likes her gymnastics barbies.

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