Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bitten by the RSV bug

Everyone in our family has taken a turn to be sick for the past few weeks. We figured that it was just a matter of time before Derek got it. Unfortunately he didn't handle it well and ended up in the hospital on Wednesday. It is hard to see little ones so miserable. He is home now and doing well. And I get to sleep in my own bed. Three nights on a hospital cot is not fun. Thanks to all those who were praying for him.


Helen said...

Poor guy, and poor mommy! How scary.

Lindsey said...

That's the worst. Cannon spent a week at Primary's when he was 3 weeks old with RSV. It is scary and it is impossible to sleep at the hospital. The bed is uncomfortable with the sheet they give you, the constant beeping and chiming of the monitor your baby is hooked up to, and the 4 hour suction/nebulizer treatments. I really feel for you. I hope that he is good through the rest of the RSV season. ONly one more month! Cannon got it again this year, but didn't have to go to the hospital. Good luck.

Maria said...
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Uila said...

Hey Steph, just wanted to drop a line. Hope all is well with that you have the "I have 4 kids" excuse!" :) Also, I was thinking about you yesterday. Wanted to thank you for all the parties and stuff you had for us. I never really realized how much went in to those get-togethers. I was never unappreciative, but I am more appreciative as I try to have family/friend gatherings. Anywho, thanks again. :)