Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Chloie's birthday

Chloie just turned 5. Yeah, I finally have a child in school! I thought I would try to make her a fun cake so we attempted a princess castle. Julie's comment was, "no way did Stephanie make it - that goes way beyond her capabilities." I let the kids help so it turned into a longer project than I had intended, and about half way through I thought it would have been cheaper and easier to buy one. But Chloie was pretty excited about it, so I guess it was worth it. And so what if I didn't get the floors vacuumed or the dishes done before the party, we had a princess castle cake!


Helen said...

That cake is SO cool. I remember all the cakes my mom made for my birthdays, so I agree: cake trumps clean floors.

Alyssa said...

WOW! That is impressive! Maybe you've found a new calling in life. . .seriously. . that cake looks amazing! Happy b-day Chloie!

Laura Earl said...

I can't believe that Chloie is 5 already! Wow time flies. And kudos on the cake!!! I will know who to call when Ella's b-day rolls around :) Miss you guys