Thursday, November 20, 2008

Being Grateful

Allie has inspired me to take some time to write things that I am thankful for. It gets too easy to get caught up in seeing what is not going right instead of focusing on those things that are. So here goes.

I am thankful that my kids are healthy. Hopefully that will continue and include the new baby.

I am grateful that my kids are being more helpful. Chloie has turned into a model child these last few days. I don't know why, but I am definitely thankful for it.

I am grateful that my body still works. I spend so much time complaining about how broken down I am and thinking about all that is wrong with me, I don't appreciate what I do have and what I can do. I really liked that part in the movie .....(can't remember the name of the movie, or the exact quote for that matter, but it was the one with Kevin Costner as the rescue swimmer) .... where the older lady is talking to Kevin Costner about his efforts to outswim a 20 year old. From what I got out of it, she was grateful for her sore knees - it reminded her every day of how she walked up and down the stairs to take care of her husband. They were kind of like a badge of honor, reminding her of something she could be proud of - like she had "earned" them. So I have bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, but my kids know if they need something in the night, I will be there for them. I have brown spots on my face and am carrying a few extra pounds. But in reality, it is a small price to pay to be able to be a mother. Don't get me wrong, I will still be trying to lose weight and looking forward to the day the spots will go away, but maybe, in the meantime, I can remember why I have them and appreciate the opportunity to raise children.


chrisser said...

Thanks Stephanie. I am grateful you have gone through all these things to have your kids cuz I am so grateful for them and I love them so much. I am also grateful for you and all the things you have taught me thru the years. For all the selfless things you have done for me and for others and for including me in your family. I am grateful for Dave letting me hang out so much. I am grateful for your mom and dad and siblings for including me in the Trane clan. Thank you!!

HBEbmeyers said...

Amen to that fair prayer! I loved your grateful post. Isn't it just amazing to be a mom. You can take away every accomplishment or wonderful thing that has happened to me just thankyou for letting me be a mom and have my amazing hubby/bff!