Saturday, November 22, 2008

More Gratitude

I am grateful for good friends - especially Chris. Julie says that everyone should have a Chrisser and I agree. And I am grateful that she loves and spoils my kids. Let me just say that if it wasn't for Chris, my kids would never see Disney on Ice or go to the Circus, just to name a few things.

I am grateful for all the help I get from my parents. It is so great having them here. I am so lucky that I can go grocery shopping without all three kids. That alone is a lifesaver, but they help me out all of the time. I probably wouldn't leave the house if it weren't for their help.

I am especially grateful for a good husband. He helps me out and never complains when the house is a disaster. He is a great dad - the kids can't wait for him to come home to play. Not to mention those times he has attended weddings, games, and volleyball functions. I really appreciate him - definitely worth waiting for.

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